Below you will find some explanations on the LIBRAPROTOL project &
a draft partnership contract.

| Lear more about  Emmanuel , Yacine, Dionel, Guillaume  | 
| LIBRACOL check by Binance (BscScan) 11/13/2021 |
Success of LIBRACOL Audit  |
Draft partner contract  |

For more information on this project, send an email.

Understand the project in a few words without going into details.

All transactions and exchanges of the LIBRACOL token will go through:
The Binance platform.
The Walet Métamask or another
The Pancakeswap platform and other platforms

The presented LIBRAPROTOCOL project does not accept payments directly.
This function is planned in a second phase of development.

5% Fees are levied on all transactions and are distributed among LIBRACOL token holders.
A commission 5% is charged to fund the liquidity pools
A certain quantity of token is burnt.

The two ICOs recover liquidity in BNB.
This liquidity feeds the BNB liquidity pool on Pancakeswap.
The 50% BNB and 50% LIBRACOL balance is formed.
BNB is Binance’s native token.

Brief presentation of the LibraProtocol project and the Founder.

I have been investing in cryptocurrencies regularly for almost four years.
To better understand what blokchain and crypto-networks are, I trained four years ago in web languages, including the Solidity language.

It is a language that allows you to create smart contracts for the blockchain, but not only.

I have been working on this project for over six months.
I coded the smart contract using a token that was indexed in March 2021 and now has a capitalization of over
US $ 1,275,000,000.

Here are some recent newly indexed cryptocurrencies.

This is a Fork on the Binance Smart Chain in which I made some changes.

My newly created code was certified by BscScan on 11/13/2021 and successfully audited.

I am in the process of developing the LIBRAPROTOCOL application and I am thinking of integrating an exchange with LIBRAPROTOCOL later.

I am a professional who has the skills to carry out this project.

I need people to energize the LIBRAPROTOCOL brand through aggressive Marketing actions.
In this adventure you can keep your current job or look for another one.

I have no problem with this if the cumulative job (s) are not competitive with LIBRAPROTOCOL.

You will still have to work a little for LIBRAPROTOCOL.
You will have complete freedom of action.
If you like new challenges, have the soul of an entrepreneur, then join me.
Your status will be freelance collaborator.
Your profile will be on the LIBRAPROTOCOL site and will accept a link to your Linkedin profile.


In the person of ……………………………………………

FREELANCE quality.

Tax Identification Number ……………………………………..

Address:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….

Referred to as the PROVIDER,


In the person of Mr Emmanuel Preizal CEO of LIBRAPROTOCOL

Tax Identification Number ………………………………………

Address:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….

Referred to as the CUSTOMER,

It was previously exposed.


it is agreed as follows.

The PROVIDER undertakes by this contract to work in close collaboration with the CUSTOMER in order to boost the LibraProtocol project.

He has complete freedom to work. No imposed schedule.

He may combine other non-competing jobs in compliance with this contract.

The PROVIDER authorizes his image and his profile to appear on the LIBRAPROTOCOL website.

Section 1

This contract is a service contract as


………………………………………………………………………………………………….(SERVICE PROVIDER).


To be defined according to the position applied for

Section 2
Remuneration and taxes

The PROVIDER’s remuneration is and will be in LIBRACOL.

This is the token of the LibraProtocol project, the number of LIBRACOLs of which will be transferred to the PROVIDER’s cryptocurrency wallet according to the agreed amounts and dates:

Estimate $ = 0.000000250 LIBRACOL

This price estimate can be seen on the rise but also on the fall when it is listed on the exchange platforms.

PROVIDER MetaMask public key address:


The PROVIDER recognizes and knows the risk associated with the volatility of cryptocurrency.

Consequently, the SERVICE PROVIDER understands the fluctuation of the markets and understands the principle for its remuneration.

Under no circumstances will the PROVIDER’s remuneration be in fiat currency (Dollars, Euros, etc.).

Taxes, social charges

All capital gains realized by the PROVIDER as well as taxes and social charges due to the tax services of his country will be paid directly by the PROVIDER.

The responsibility of the CLIENT cannot be engaged by the breach of the obligations of the PROVIDER.

Section 3
Contract length

It is desirable that the SERVICE PROVIDER commits to a minimum period to be defined months.

In the event of a breach of contract by the SERVICE PROVIDER or the CLIENT, the Libracol tokens transferred to his wallet will be acquired by him.

In the event of a breach of contract, subsequent transfers will be cancelled.

The PROVIDER cannot claim the balance of Libracol not transferred.

Section 4
Performance of the service

The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to carry out the tasks specified in Article 1 in the best possible way.

Conditions to be defined according to the position.

Section 5

The PROVIDER must respect the Roadmap visible on the Libraprotocol site defined by mutual agreement with the team.

Section 6
Obligation of confidentiality

The SERVICE PROVIDER considers as strictly confidential, and refrains from disclosing, any information, documents, data or concepts, of which it may become aware on the occasion of this contract.

The PROVIDER, however, cannot be held responsible if the elements disclosed were or are in the public domain.

Section 7
Intellectual property and contact databases

Works created:

The PROVIDER transfers to the CUSTOMER all rights to the works created.

By express agreement, the CLIENT acquires ownership of the works created by the PROVIDER (video, graphics, text, etc.) as they are developed.

Contact databases:

The PROVIDER transfers to the CUSTOMER all rights to the use of the contact databases compiled in accordance with the GDPR.

Section 8

The CUSTOMER is fully responsible for the distribution of tokens, both technically and for the listing of Libracol tokens on international exchange platforms and for all other distributions.

However, the CLIENT is open to suggestions from the PROVIDER.

The CUSTOMER cannot be held responsible if in the event of force majeure (new listing regulations, error or technical modification of the code and for all technical problems, etc.) the project cannot be completed according to the standard initially presented.

Consequently, no damage, interest or compensation may be claimed from the CLIENT by the SERVICE PROVIDER.

Section 9
Termination-contract and platform access codes

Any breach by the SERVICE PROVIDER at the end of article 1 above, will result, if the CLIENT sees fit, in the termination of this contract by email, seven days after a formal notice sent by email and/or SMS to perform the agreed work. .

The SERVICE PROVIDER may terminate this contract with seven days’ notice sent by email and/or SMS.

The CUSTOMER or the PROVIDER terminating this contract the rules of article 3 are essential.

Platform access codes

This financial constraint only applies if the access code(s) to different platforms created by the CLIENT would be given to the SERVICE PROVIDER for the performance of its work.

The SERVICE PROVIDER is prohibited from modifying the access codes to the social media platforms entrusted to it by the CLIENT.

Only the CUSTOMER can modify the access codes to social media platforms.

Whatever the nature of the breach of this contract, if the SERVICE PROVIDER exceeds this rule of modifying the access codes to the platforms and if it transgresses this right, a sum of €500 (Five Hundred Euros) per day and per access code modified access will be due to the CUSTOMER.

In this case, the recovery costs will be borne solely by the PROVIDER.

The SERVICE PROVIDER violating this rule of modifying the access codes to social network platforms cannot oppose an order for payment.

Section 10

Assignment of contract

The SERVICE PROVIDER is prohibited from subcontracting the performance of the work defined in article 1 to anyone except with the written consent of the CLIENT sent by email.

The SERVICE PROVIDER may not assign this contract without the CLIENT’s written agreement by email.

Section 11

The CLIENT accepts that the SERVICE PROVIDER may include among its references the work carried out under this contract.

Section 12

The parties undertake to try to resolve amicably any dispute that may arise between them on the occasion of this contract.

The mediation costs will be borne in half by each of the parties.

Section 13

Any dispute that may arise between the parties, regarding the formation, execution, or interpretation of this contract, will be within the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Lisbon Portugal or any other court of the fiscal domicile of the CUSTOMER.

The French language is at the origin of this contract and predominates for its understanding.

Done at…………………….. On………………………….

In duplicate

Signature of the CUSTOMER “good for agreement”

Signature of the PROVIDER “good for agreement”